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Create welcome series with web push notifications

  • # targeting

You can use web push notifications to create welcome series for the new users that sign up to your application. Let's see how to create a welcome series using Pushpad. 

Welcome series after sign up

This strategy is for websites that want to send welcome series to users, after they sign up to the website.

  1. Users sign up normally to your application
  2. When users are logged in on your website you subscribe them to push notifications and you keep track of their user ID.
  3. You use a daily cron job to query your database and find the users that have registered the previous day (or 2 days ago, 3 days ago, etc.)
  4. You send a welcome notification to all the users that have signed up the previous day (or 2 days ago, 3 days ago, etc.). You can target them using their user IDs (see the libraries for sending the notifications).

Note that Pushpad itself uses this method to send a welcome series to all the new customers. For example at the moment we send a welcome notification to the users that have signed up the previous day, then another notification after 3 days and finally another notification after 6 days.

Welcome series after notification subscription

This strategy is for websites that want to send welcome series to a browser that has recently subscribed to your web push notifications.

First you need to subscribe a user to your web push notifications and keep track of the subscription date using tags:

pushpad('status', function (isSubscribed) {
  // if the user is not subscribed...
  if (!isSubscribed) {
    // subscribe the user and track subscription date
    var today = new Date().toJSON().slice(0,10);
    pushpad('subscribe', function () {}, {tags: ['created:' + today]});

Then in your server you can run a daily cron job like:

$notification1 = new Pushpad\Notification(['body' => 'First day!']);
$notification1->broadcast(['tags' => ['created:' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'))]]);

$notification2 = new Pushpad\Notification(['body' => 'Second day!']);
$notification2->broadcast(['tags' => ['created:' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'))]]);

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